Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's about Time

"Excuse me miss, but do you have the time?" 

As you look at your watch you realize that you actually don't have the time.  Not because your watch stopped ticking or the battery went dead, but because you literally do not have the time.  You don't have the time to get every thing done in the day, you don't have time to cook a full meal for your family, you don't have the time to stand there giving friendly strangers the time.  And the watch you are looking down at might even show to the world your lack of time.  How so?  Let me explain...

Some of us can't afford the nicest Rolex watches or watches inlaid with diamonds and rubies.  But we can afford to have a watch that stands out and makes a statement.  A watch that says, "I have the time to succeed, I have the time to look great, I have the time to put myself together."    Making a fashion statement isn't just about being able to put colors together in an artistic palette of clothes and jewelry.  It is also about showing the world the beautiful side of you that most people don't see.  The fun, vibrant, exciting and unique side of you. 
If you walk outside in a great outfit and a watch that says, "Eh, I just didn't care to finish the look today", you could be sending the wrong message.

Choosing a watch to match your outfit in the fashion world of today is just as important as choosing the right necklace or ring.  With the Beautiful Beads watches you can be sure that you are sending the perfect message at the perfect 'time'.  You can choose the perfect watch with the perfect colors to match any outfit.

Contact Shirley for more information on the perfect watch for you and the statement you want to make in life.

Shirley Summy
Office: 435-767-0239
Cell: 435-862-2220

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Shirley. You express yourself very well and your thoughts got me to thinking about how I don't pay much attention to my own watch. Hmmm - perhaps I'll have to get one from your for Christmas.
